Monthly Circular

Monthly Circular

Monthly Circular-Survey of Economic Conditions in Japan-

This is the oldest English-language monthly economic review in Japan and is published since 1923.
MERI’s Monthly Circular is a prime source of information drawn from selected research and reports on the Japanese economy.
MERI’s Monthly Circular’s readership includes the prominent institutions and central banks of the world.。

MARCH 2025 No.1143

Monthly Circular OCTOBER 2022 No.1114

Annual subscription(including postage)

Domestic:¥5,280 (including consumption tax)
Surface mail:U.S.$40.00
Air mail:
Zone 1:U.S.$45.00 (Asia)
Zone 2:U.S.$47.00 (North America, Central America,Oceania, Middle East, Europe)
Zone 3:U.S.$49.00 £34.00 €56.00 (Africa, South America)

For your subscription

Mail to : The Mitsubishi Economic Research Institute 10-14, Yushima 4-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0034 Japan

For other information
Fax : Tokyo 03-5802-8675